Envirofit Mexico

Envirofit International Newsletter – Fall 2018

The early results from our SmartGas™ pilot are in and the feedback from our customers so far has been amazing. Over the last 6 months we piloted the first few hundred SmartGas units in neighborhoods in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana. During initial canvasing we spoke with current LPG users and dedicated charcoal users from… read more

Envirofit International Newsletter – Spring 2018

The early results from our SmartGas™ pilot are in and the feedback from our customers so far has been amazing. Over the last 6 months we piloted the first few hundred SmartGas units in neighborhoods in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana. During initial canvasing we spoke with current LPG users and dedicated charcoal users from… read more

Envirofit Mexico Helps in Earthquake Relief

Envirofit Mexico Employee Observes Earthquake Damage

September 19th is a date for Mexicans that is difficult to forget. On the morning of that day this year, the 32nd anniversary of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake was commemorated. That earthquake was the most devastating the city has ever experienced, taking the lives of some 10,000 people.… read more


At Envirofit, serving our customers is a foundational value of our company. By working hard to ensure customer satisfaction our 2017 growth continues to follow suit with our record breaking year in 2016, as we help more and more people access smart clean-cooking solutions around the globe.… read more

Field Notes – Balancing Technology and Tradition in Mexico City

After two hours of driving down bumpy, dusty roads we arrive at Genoveva’s house for dinner. Matches are lit, wood is chopped, beans are soaked and boiling, and the chocolate spicy aroma of molé fills the air. Perfectly round tortillas shaped by hand bubble as they hit the hot, oiled griddle. … read more