It’s with tremendous pride and gratitude to everyone involved that I’m able to report the first ever commercial launch of Envirofit’s SmartGas Pay-As-You-Cook™ LPG technology, revolutionizing the clean cooking industry. We have had an incredible and enthusiastic customer response so far, with SmartGas sales doubling every month since our launch in July.
As I write this, households throughout Nairobi are using our Pay-As-You-Cook LPG service to safely and easily feed their families. SmartGas uses IoT and mobile technology to provide LPG at a cost 62% less than charcoal. For the first time, households can cook the way they want to, when they want to with the confidence they won’t run out of fuel thanks to this affordable, reliable household energy innovation. Get a sneak-peek of the SmartGas launch to hear our customers’ stories and see how this revolutionary technology is already changing lives ahead of our scale-up across Kenya and beyond in 2019.
We had the chance to share the amazing progress SmartGas has made at the 2018 WPLGA Forum in Houston, Texas. Jessica Alderman, our Director of Communications and PR, was recognized by the WLPGA and Women in LPG for her efforts to make LPG safer and more accessible by being named runner-up for the inaugural LPG Woman of the Year award. Envirofit also set ourselves apart by helping other attendees offset their carbon footprint for traveling to the event.
Envirofit India has created an estimated $500 Million USD in socioeconomic benefits via the issuance of over 1 million Gold Standard Verified Emissions Reduction (VER) carbon credits. Our cookstoves make the carbon reduction projects they’re attached to attractive for both voluntary and compliance carbon programs by offsetting CO2 year after year thanks to their unparalleled durability. With each stove delivering over $500 USD per year in socioeconomic benefits, the combined total of their impact is truly incredible. We also spoke with Waste Management about why they chose Envirofit carbon credits to make the most popular event on the PGA tour, the Waste Management Phoenix Open, carbon neutral.
Our team in Mexico completed the successful distribution of 20,000 stoves to the people of Veracruz, MX and surrounding states in partnership with SEDESOL. Watch our Veracruz program video to see the impressive efforts our team undertook to deliver Envirofit Ecofogon plancha stoves to many remote locations throughout the area in order to ensure the project was completed right. Envirofit was chosen as a program partner because our stoves reduce Household Air Pollution to below WHO levels.
Envirofit works around the world as the largest provider of clean cooking solutions, and we strive to share our lessons learned with the greater community. We are happy to have been recognized by the World Economic Forum and Business Call to Action, who shared our thoughts on LPG as a viable solution to Household Air Pollution and how IoT enabled systems like SmartGas are changing the future of energy use. We also authored a piece for Guardian Labs on how social enterprise can best empower women living in emerging markets which challenges many assumptions on what empowerment means while focusing on what is needed to help women succeed.
As we begin to scale our programs around the world, our passion for our mission to create energy access for those who need it is renewed, and it’s only possible with the hard work and support from you – our valued partners, funders and employees.