
Is LPG Really a Dirty Word?

SmartGas LPG Pilot Customer Liked the Service

Envirofit’s new SmartGas™ service was designed to reduce LPG’s access and affordability barriers. This is accomplished through the Envirofit SmartGas meter, which is equipped with mobile and IoT technology to dispense fuel on-demand. In doing so, SmartGas enables customers for the first time to Pay-As-You-Cook™ for LPG at a price comparable to cooking with charcoal… read more

Communities of Change – Cooking Mid-Day Meals with Less Fuel

The PCS-12 Cooks Efficiently for Large Groups

In 2017 the Indian government provided food to 1.14 million schools, but left cooking it up to them. For MDMS recipients the program presents an incredible opportunity to improve educational outcomes, and an insatiable need for firewood. According to a recent report from the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, 63% of MDMS schools… read more

Communities of Change – The Deliciousness of a Community Cookout

Entrants cooked their best meal on the SuperSaver SPANDAN coosktove

Just as the monsoons started this year, the Envirofit India team watched in fascination as 50 women took their places at the ‘Maan Sugaran’ cooking competition in rural Maharashtra. Intended as a pilot, the competition was a way to bring users of our clean cookstove, the SuperSaver SPANDAN™, out into the open to show community… read more