• Envirofit pioneers new carbon offset model allowing companies to offset carbon while supporting enterprise development in emerging markets
• Companies can create impacts beyond carbon that make progress on the Sustainable Development Goals while delivering $151 in benefits per carbon credit per year.
Contact – Jessica Alderman, Director of Communications
Jessica.alderman@envirofit.org – 1-970-372-2874
Colorado – Envirofit International, a global social enterprise that develops clean energy cookstoves, has pioneered a new corporate carbon offsetting program that enables companies to impact local communities in the developing world by creating jobs and improving livelihoods. Through the program, Envirofit links carbon credit buyers to social entrepreneurs in the developing world to build local capacity, develop local markets, and create jobs.

Even in regions where carbon offsets aren’t mandatory, hundreds of corporations including airlines and automotive companies voluntarily offset their emissions. Now, companies have the option to go beyond standard carbon offsetting in their quest for sustainability through Envirofit’s new program, which provides small scale clean cookstove enterprises with training, marketing, and sales support.
According to the 2016 Gold Standard Supply Report, investing in clean cookstove carbon credits delivers an additional value beyond carbon reductions of $151 per credit in social, health, and economic benefits to communities in the developing world. In addition, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves states that clean cookstove programs directly contribute to achieving 10 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Envirofit’s SMAAART™ Carbon offset program takes this impact a step further by investing the premium from the credits into enterprise development, which supports training and women’s empowerment programs that create local jobs.

“By investing in clean cookstove carbon credits, companies have the unique opportunity to achieve environmental sustainability through carbon offsets, while also making significant progress on the UN’s SDGs, all through one program,” said Nick Marshall, Managing Director of Carbon Programs for Envirofit. “Envirofit’s SMAAART™ carbon program goes even further by directly linking companies’ offsetting initiatives with support for social entrepreneurs in the developing world.”
Many leading companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Toyota, already choose to voluntarily offset their carbon emissions, and their numbers are growing. According to the 2016 Ecosystem Marketplace report, voluntary buyers around the world paid to offset the equivalent of 84.1 million tonnes of CO2 in 2015, a 10% increase from 2014, with a total market value of $278m.
About Envirofit
Envirofit International is a social enterprise that innovates smart energy products that improve lives on a global scale. Using a market-based approach, Envirofit develops a global product line of smart clean cookstoves that cook faster while reducing fuel use, smoke, and toxic emissions. Serving more than 5 million people in energy poverty, Envirofit’s smart stoves reduce climate change, create new jobs, and enable families to save money.
For more information see: www.envirofit.org