Ron Bills

Envirofit International Newsletter – Fall 2018

The early results from our SmartGas™ pilot are in and the feedback from our customers so far has been amazing. Over the last 6 months we piloted the first few hundred SmartGas units in neighborhoods in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana. During initial canvasing we spoke with current LPG users and dedicated charcoal users from… read more

Envirofit International Newsletter – Spring 2018

The early results from our SmartGas™ pilot are in and the feedback from our customers so far has been amazing. Over the last 6 months we piloted the first few hundred SmartGas units in neighborhoods in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana. During initial canvasing we spoke with current LPG users and dedicated charcoal users from… read more

Nanofinance – Bringing the Bank to the Kitchen

The scope of microfinance has changed and the majority of microlending banks now charge higher interest rates and promote larger loans. One reason for this is transaction costs, which can make issuing loans for less than $50 prohibitively expensive. … read more